Day 2
Spiritual tools can deepen communication with Spirit and aid in developing intuition. Examples include crystals, pendulums, oracle cards, and Tarot cards. They are tangible and can be used when overwhelmed with input, or to organize and understand information. When working with spiritual tools, it's important to respect them and not become too attached to them. Let your journey with them be guided by your guides.
Choose a task for yourself today that is enjoyable and simple to complete. Make sure it brings joy to your mind and doesn't feel like a burden. Remember, your inner guidance is important. If you feel called to do something else, go for it. The most important thing is to create a spiritual practice that feels good to you and aligns with your personal flow. Some days you may be able to stick to your plan, while on others, you may not. That's okay. Let go of expectations and judgments and just go with the flow.
Today’s Prompts:
Choose a card deck that speaks to you. While holding the deck, focus on a question or ask for some general guidance, then shuffle through and choose your card (or let your card choose you).
Choose a crystal from your collection and put it to use today. Hold it while you meditate or do some deep breathing or tuck it into your pocket for some protection or inspiration during your day.
Ask your pendulum some questions that have been weighing on your mind.
The topic of spiritual tools is a big one! But don't worry, I’ve got you covered in my book, MEDIUM MENTOR: 10 Powerful Techniques to Awaken Divine Guidance for Yourself and Others. In Chapter 5, I delve into all the nitty-gritty details and techniques to help you understand and use these tools effectively. If you don’t have the book and are interested in finding out more, you can click here to get your copy.