Wondering About Spirit?
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I mean when I use the term, “Spirit?”
All Spirit is energy, but when I use this word, I’m referring to angels, guides, deceased loved ones, religious figures, highly ascended teachers or “masters,” and God, who’s the creator of the universe. God’s become known by different titles to different people, depending on their belief system—Source, Divine, Yahweh, and other names that reflect various faiths. It doesn’t matter; I’m shown there’s only One.
If loved ones have died, how do they communicate with you?
I’ll make this as simple as I can! There’s a thin, invisible veil that exists between our world and The Other Side, or what’s also known as Heaven. All our souls are made of energy, and that energy has different frequencies depending on what state it’s in. Spirit has a high energy frequency, while our human energy is lower, so when I channel, our collective consciousness has to meet in the middle. Once that happens, I can hear Spirit in my head and in my ear (this is known as “clairaudience”); see them with my naked eye and mind’s eye/third eye (“clairvoyance”), and feel them around or touch me (“clairsentience”). My ability to understand what Spirit’s saying while explaining it to you is a little like speaking a foreign language—a few things are happening in my brain at once.
Can I learn how to communicate with Spirit?
We all have intuition, which I feel we’re meant to use everyday and to serve others. Most instincts and gut feelings come from Spirit, like guides and angels. Intuitive thoughts also come from your higher self, which is another way of saying, the most enlightened part of your soul that is closely connected to God. Either way, all intuition is guided and meaningful. Now do I think everyone is a medium? No, but that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate with Spirit in your own purposeful way. I’d love to show you how!
Did my loved ones suffer when they died?
Spirit tells me that if you’re going to pass, a loved one already on The Other Side will meet you before the body appears to be suffering, or in the case of a sudden tragedy, your soul will leave the body upon impact (like with a heart attack, car accident, etc). Also, there is no pain or physical disability in Heaven, because our souls are energy and don’t need bodies—though they show themselves to me in a healthy, happy, human form to help you validate their traits. When my aunt passed from a brain hemorrhage, her soul visited me four days before her body actually stopped functioning, which is when the doctors declared her dead. She appeared as a younger, more vibrant version of herself, for extra proof that she is thriving in Heaven! So if you notice that a person appears to be suffering at the very end of his/her life, this is typically just the body shutting down.
How do I know if a sign or interaction is “real”?
Signs are a way that Spirit communicates, allowing loved ones to know they’re right by your side. They can come in times of loss, happiness, grief—whenever you need them! When you call on Spirit, especially departed loved ones, they’ll send signs as reassurance that they’re around. Look for signs—they’re very real—and don’t question them.
Is there a Heaven and Hell?
I use the terms Heaven and The Other Side interchangeably, and yes, it definitely exists, and it’s where I channel from. But I don’t feel there’s a Hell. If you exude negativity in your life, and put hurt and pain on others, you will be schooled on lower level planes where you will have to relearn your soul’s lessons with fewer freedoms.
What does Spirit do all day on The Other Side?
What’s shown to me is that they help guide us and work on their soul’s lessons. They take on various jobs in the spirit world that keep the universe moving forward. Heaven is organized into different levels or planes of consciousness, so as with any job well done, all souls get a “promotion” and ascend to higher levels when their tasks and lessons are complete. Your loved ones often show me how they spend their free time too—usually enjoying what they liked here.
Do we all have guides? How are they assigned?
We all have guides, and they’re waiting for us to use and listen to them. Their purpose is to help us. You have various guides for different needs, and I’m also told they once walked the earth as humans—usually as a person who lived in a society or time that you once did, and had the same interests or challenges that you have. Loved ones, angels, animals, and figures from one’s faith can act as guides too, if you connect with them. You also have a main guide that’s with you throughout life and manages your growth by delegating who your guidance is for the major choices and lessons on your life path.
Do we all have angels?
Angels are celestial, and their true form is pure, radiant light. I see different angels, depending on your needs—love and relationships, healing, protection… Sometimes angels act as guides; other times, as comfort. And if you envision angels with wings, that’s how they show themselves during a reading. I’ve even seen archangels as bright, colorful light—for instance, Archangel Michael comes as a blue light to me, and Raphael is green.
Do you communicate with pets?
All the time! So far, I’ve read dogs, cats, guinea pigs, even horses. They might come through if I ask for them, or on their own, usually to show support during hard times.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
I do believe our souls regenerate. I’m consistently shown that we’ve all lived many lives to learn lessons that help our souls grow and allow humanity to evolve.
What are soul packs, and how are they formed?
Souls travel with the same “pack” throughout existence, which means that you live most lives with people you’ve known before but usually in different roles. I’m told pack formation has a lot to do with timing and the correlation of paths, lessons, and unfinished business between lives. Relationships last for infinity, but God can eliminate a soul if it’s taken an evil turn with its free will. God can also add souls, and remove them, from your pack. But for the most part, you travel with the same souls in most lifetimes, and on a much larger scale, all souls in the universe are connected, because we all come from the same Creator’s energy.
Why do we forget our past lives and what it’s like in Heaven?
I don’t feel we can live fully in this life, if we’re always thinking about the prior ones. But, we do carry pieces of previous lives with us into current ones. And some people do remember aspects of past lives, which presents as déjà vous, as well as a real affinity for, or connection to, a certain place, time, or person. Kids tend to remember aspects of past lives pretty easily, as well. Now how many lives have you had in this world? It depends on when your soul was generated. Also, when you’re between lives, you may stay in Heaven to learn lessons there, or come here to hopefully learn them faster. So, you may have fewer lives on this plane if you hang back to learn on The Other Side. If you’ve evolved to a certain level, you can even be a guide between lives.
Can I learn about my past lives from you?
Yes! Your guides can tell me all about your past lives and dig into real detail about the experiences you’ve had both here and in Heaven before this lifetime. And I don’t even have to hypnotize you! It’s pretty cool.